Below is a selection from some of the 70+ shows currently available for performance
The only way is down!
The 1847 Penny Dreadful lives again!
A glimpse at the life of a Nantucket lady, lonesome without her whale hunting husband, who joins him on his long voyages in search of the oil laden leviathan.
A comic historic romp with fast moving change of scene and location from Egypt's ancient past.
... and the follow up:
Set in Prague in the Middle Ages this show tells how Valsha, the much wronged slave, leads her fellow women slaves in revolt and take over the city.
Based on one of the songs from Robert Poulter's South-American songbook, this show is set on a giant airship flying over South America and around a banquet with a bizarre set of diners.
A piratical chase for New Model Theatre. 14 scenes in 45 minutes.
The life and times of O. Smith, the celebrated Actor and King of Terror. Starring Peter Baldwin. 50 minutes.
The life and working practices of the great Actor Manager. Three shows in one. 80 minutes.
250 years of seaside fashion and entertainment in 30 minutes. One of several commissions from East Kent Maritime Trust for their museums in Ramsgate and Margate; other shows include 'The Cask', 18th century smuggling adventure in one long tracking shot, 'The Turbot's Tale' - 19th century fishing industry in Ramsgate starring Colin the Cod, 'Mr Turner Gets Steamed Up' and 'The Great Storm of 1703' - audience participation with 60 foot long revolving sea and sky backgrounds.
The popular 19th century nautical melodrama by Douglas Jerrold. New edited version of play with new designs and original music from the play. 57 minutes. One of Mr. Poulter's rare excursions into existing drama, other shows include 'Pizarro' by Sheridan after Kotzebue, 'Wilhelm Tell' by Schiller (in English and German versions) and 'Oliver Twist' from Dickens.
Greatest Japanese Kabuki drama of all time. An Englishman's version of this classic revenge tale reduced from 13 hours to 37 minutes.
The life and times of his extraordinary gigantic Italian strongman, actor, impressario, hydraulic engineer and Egyptologist. The man who brought the large Egyptian statues to the British Museum. Performed in its own Egyptian temple theatre with unique changing proscenium. 50 minutes.
The great painter Turner and his love for Mrs. Booth of Margate and steam power on land and sea. An East Kent Maritime Trust commission, alo performed at the National Gallery, London and in many museums in Germany and at festivals in the United States. 38 minutes.
Two shows based on Sax Rohmer's sinister master criminal, Dr. Fu Manchu and his batle against Commissioner Nayland Smith and Dr. Petrie. 'On the Trail of Fu Manchu', 25 minutes and 'The Man with the Limp', 41 minutes.
Panoramic vistas unfold against stirring music in this atmospheric version of the old tale. 40 minutes.
Commissioned by the Royal Academy London for heir Frans Hals exhibition. This show, painted in oils, tells in kaleidoscopic fashion about the life of Hals and the people he painted. 30 minutes. This show followed on from two commissions from the Tate Gallery: 'Theatre of Romantic Landscape', for the Francis Danby exhibition and 'Wright Light', for the Wright of Derby exhibition.
First abstract model theatre show made in 1986 to an electronic soundtrack by Robert Poulter. Six minutes. Other experimental shows include 'Konjunktur', a look at Irwin Piscator's 1920's revolutionary Berlin political theatre featuring Weill's song about Margate, and 'Scriabin's Prometheus - the Poem of Fire', an attempt to recreatee the colour organ score visually that was meant to accompany this 1911 orchestral piece.
Friedrich Schiller's great play about the Swiss fight for freedom. Edited to 60 minutes. Great villain in Gessler. In English and German versions.
The only show Mr. Poulter has made using traditional toy theatre sheets by Webb, but given the New Model Theatre treatment. Made for the Webb festival. This version still manages to have an explosion at the end. 50 minutes.
Adaptation of Sheridan's tragedy about the conquest of Peru based on the German play by Kotzebue. Sheridan's text with new images and sounds.
Popular shows on this smaller theatre include:
'Buccaneer Brogas and the Last of the Dinosaurs', the perfect mix for children - pirates and dinosaurs all in one show. 8½ minutes.
'Diamantina for Ever', a little South American adventure set in Brazil. 6 minutes.
'The Cristoforo Colombo Song', like the last show, another South American style song by Robert Poulter. Why Columbus never reached America explained at last. 4 minutes.
'8½', 250 years of opera in 8½ minutes. Eight changes of scene before your eyes. Guess the opera and win a prize.
'Henry VIII - I Am!', Tudor court life and Edwardian music hall fight it out in 4½ minutes.
'Das Ungeheure Ungeheuer', (Monstrous Monsters), no dialogue, just sound and vision. The last woman fights against world domination of machines. 20 minutes